Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Trip to Detroit

Last week I had a business trip to Detroit. For information, I normally enjoy business trips as they are a few days I can rest, shop, eat good food, work a little bit, and then shop some more. However, for this trip, our meeting was at a hotel in the Detroit airport. It was a nice hotel, but because of security, you couldn't leave very easily and without a car, couldn't really go anywhere. So I sat on the bed every night and worked on the computer.

I did have a meeting the last morning in downtown Detroit with a supplier that I have never met before. So I had to go through security to get my rental car and then drive to downtown Detroit. On the way, I passed by the largest tire in the world. It is by the interstate for all to see.

As I was following directions to the site, I noticed it was getting more run down, and then pretty bad, then very scary. There was graffiti on the building and I had to park in a fenced in area. I stayed for a few hours and then quickly left to go back through airport security and to my flight.

Detroit was a dreary sad city. They said that unemployment is 25% and the several officials have been charged with taking bribes. To say the least, if I don't get back to Detroit, it will be fine with me!